Remote Maintenance App genuReSI 1.17

The Remote Maintenance App has been designed for maintainer and operator in a rendezvous setup.

Please note that the Remote Maintenance App is downward compatible and therefore, can work with older genubox versions. However, older Remote Maintenance App versions might not be supported correctly by newer genubox versions.

For this reason, always use the most current Remote Maintenance App version.

This version is DSGVO compliant.

Remote Maintenance-App genuReSI 1.17 (32-/64-bit) for Windows


Notice: According to the official statement from the german office for economy and export control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle - BAFA), the genuReSI software is currently not subject to approval despite containing encryption technology.
Henceforth, this will be subject to an annually evaluation, but due to the current legal situation, we expect no change concerning this decision.
In case there are changes of the legal situation or a modified practice of the BAFA, it would not suddenly render downloads illegal, as long as they have been executed beforehand, but it would affect future proceedings.

Last update


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